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Vehicle Finance Fraud Scheme in MN


We are passing along some information about a vehicle finance fraud scheme that State Patrol Vehicle Crime Unit Sgt. Phil Bogojevic is investigating. If your institution has any information about loans involving any business names or addresses listed below, please get in touch with Phil. (See contact info below)


The shell dealer name is used to purchase vehicles from an auction using a floor plan. The subjects use shell buyers and create fraudulent paystubs to obtain as many fraudulent loans as they can in a short time. The auction is never paid for the vehicles, and the used dealer transfers the title in conditional status. Below is a list of known entity names associated to the scheme:

In addition, the below addresses have been associated to the above dealer license applications. In many cases, research reveals DREAM INVESTMENT GROUP LLC is listed as the location lesser in application for a dealer license:

Any financial institution with delinquent business related to the above can call me directly. Thanks for passing the information along.


Sgt. Phil Bogojevic

Minnesota State Patrol/Vehicle Crimes Unit

Office (507)923-2046/Fax (507)280-5524

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