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Credit Card Fraud Scams

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FRPA received the below information.

Three individuals (see images of persons of interest below)  are going into jewelry stores in Twin Cities Metro area that are primarily Asian-owned.  

They are using fake IDs and stamped credit cards to purchase high-value items.  When they go to pay, the credit cards are declined when they are "swiped."  The suspect then appears to call the "bank” right before the salesperson.  The store's salesperson is given some explanation, and the card is good and asks the employee to key in the credit card info and bypass the authorization, which matches the ID.  Of course, this works.  The suspect leaves with the jewelry, and a few days after the transaction processes, the charge is disputed, and the store is out of money. 

So far, a rough estimate is about $200k+ throughout the metro area.  We also suspect an Azizona connection. Likely this is a well-organized group using this method on unsuspecting retailers eager to make a sale.

Dan Lindstrom

Police Detective

Brooklyn Center Police Department

6645 Humboldt Ave N | Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

Direct: (763) 503-3212 | Office: (763) 569-3333

Fax: (763) 503-3285

Potential Card Scammers

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