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The Chipotle Hack And The Troubling Trend Of Credential Stuffing

The news out of Chipotle feels a bit like déjà vu, as it’s a story we’ve all heard before. Reports have appeared all over social media, particularly via Reddit and Twitter, about Chipotle user accounts being pirated, with hundreds of dollars’ worth of food ordered to customer cards that those customers never saw. In many cases, according to reports, the delivery addresses on the fraudulent orders were to states different from the home addresses on the accounts.

There is a bit of a twist in this often-told tale of breached consumer data: Chipotle maintains that the company itself has not been breached. Consumers often repeat passwords across sites, the firm noted, and fraudsters use a technique known as credential stuffing — wherein they’ve taken email addresses and passwords gleaned in other attacks, and used them to brute force their way into customers’ Chipotle accounts.


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